Verderber world-wide A virtual Family Meeting in the Net |
Dear Mister Verderber,
today I have studied your page and I would have some additions – carriers of the name who are not in your list but in my pedigree.
I am the great-granddaughter of Magdalena Verderber, born 27/5/1854 at Mooswald (Mahovnik) 29, Gottschee (after the birth register; at Mooswald 28 after the marriage register). She was the wife of Georgius Modez, born 18/4/1838 at Semitsch (Semič); their descendants then were named Modic, and in the United States of America Moditz.
I could trace back the family as follows:
- Georg Verderber and Agnes Hönigmann (more is not known).
- Their son was Josef Verderber, born 4th March 1818 at Mooswald 29. His wife was Maria Kresche, born 8th January 1818 at Gottschee 104. Maria Kresche is only called in that manner in the birth entry of Magdalena Verderber, but with her brothers and sisters Maria Kresse!
The couple had the following children:
- Johann Verderber, born 30th Mai 1843 at Mooswald 29.
- Maria Verderber, born 17th April 1845 at Mooswald 29.
- Josef Verderber, born 3rd June 1846 at Mooswald 29.
- Franz Verderber, born 3rd June 1846 at Mooswald 29.
- Maria Verderber, born 21st February 1849 at Mooswald 29.
- Aloijz Verderber, born 30th April 1851 at Mooswald 29.
- Magdalena Verderber, born 27th Mai 1854 at Mooswald 29.
I could trace only the line of Magdalena Verderber yet. I would be happy about every message which can make a connection to the names above!
Good greetings!
Traude Gärtner
Elektronic mail: Briefkasten under Verderber in org; the message will be sent on.
Mooswald belonged to the town parish of Gottschee.
Possibly there is a relation to the Kraulands from Windischdorf (Slovenska Vas), Mitterdorf parish, published at There is an Georg Verderber, born in 1801 at Mooswald 29, in the genealogical index of these page, but there is no correspondence to the persons above.
More is not known here.
If you know more about the Verderbers from Mooswald, tell it also to us in order that we can complete this statements.
Electronic mail: Briefkasten under Verderber in org.
During my researches about the history of the paper production I also examined paper mills in the villages Papirnica near Škofja Loka and Ladja near Medvode, dominion Görtschach (Goričane). Both places are situated in the area between Kranj (Krainburg) and Lubljana (Laibach). For a while the owner of both paper mills was the paper maker family Grundner which originated from Bavaria (Bayern, Germany). From a descendant I got the pedigree of the families Grundner and Verderber.
Both families joined after the family Grundner having given up the paper mill in Goričane (Görtschach). A son of the last owner of the paper mill Görtschach, Anton Benjamin Grundner, born on 22/12/1845 in Görtschach, married Marie Verderber. Descendants of this line are living still today.
- The Die Verderber line of this pedigree begins in Mooswald (Mahovnik, Gottschee) with the birth of Johann Verderber (senior) on 27/11/1801. His father was Mathias Verderber, born on 30/1/1773 and died in 1855, but the place of birth is unknown. His mother was Josefa Perz, born in 1770 and died in 1843.
- Johann Verderber (senior) was farmer and married with Magdalene Schleimer, born on 30/12/1798 and died in 1855. There is known only one child, namely Johann Verderber (junior), born on 30/1/1822 in Mooswald. He was married with Sofie Brunner, born on 11/1/1826 in Nesseltal (Koprivnik).
- Johann Verderber (junior) was imperial-royal financier and knight of the Franz-Josef-Orden (order of Franz Josef). The couple got four children. The first child, Johann, died on 13/8/1863, the first child of the name Viktor also died under age, the second Viktor survived. The fourth child, Marie, was born in Bischoflack (which seems to be the German name of Škofja Loka) on 15/6/1854 and married Anton Benjamin Grundner. Marie died on 13/5/1925 at Radmannsdorf.
- Viktor Verderber was privy councillor and executive first public prosecutor, knight of the Orden der Eisernen Krone (order of the iron crown) und holder of the Kriegskreuz Zweiter Klasse für Zivilverdienste (second class war cross for civil merits). He was married with Hedwig Tischler and had seven children: Vera, Hermann, Wilhelmine, Herbert, Othmar, Friederike, and Helene.
- Vera Verderber was born in Ljubljana (Laibach) and married Dr. August Mayer. From this marriage sprouted two daughters, Else and Inge.
With this statements the pedigree ended.
There seems to be no connection between this Verderber line and that line described by Traude Gärtner above (yet).
If you know more, please tell it us.
Electronic mail: Briefkasten under Verderber in org.